Cannabidiol( CBD) Oil is now gaining the attention of many holistic vets. Ever since it has delivered great health benefits in humans, vets have also become very hopeful about its results in dogs and other pets.

There is no doubt in the fact that CBD oil has some awesome health benefits and there are many dog parents who are using this oil on their dogs and attaining the desired results.

So, it won’t be wrong to say that CBD oil can actually solve many health problems in dogs and save them from serious health threats like cancer. Researchers are studying the benefits of CBD oil and have found out some positively astonishing facts about it.

Read below-

  1. CBD Oil Cures Anxiety

Travel anxieties, noise phobia separation anxiety are few of the anxieties that trouble dogs and CBD oil can actually help in minimizing these psychological issues.

For anxiety issues, you can also buy – Barks Natural Calm Remedy Or Adaptil Spray

  1. CBD Oil Can Help In Alleviating Seizures And Epilepsy

CBD Oil has been proven effective in the treatment of drug-resistant epilepsy and however, drugs like potassium bromide and phenobarbital help in subduing seizures but have equally harmful side effects. Hence CBD oil can be a revolution when it comes to the treatment of seizures and epilepsy.

  1. CBD Aids In Curing Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Studies have revealed that CBD is able to prevent colitis (IBD) and Animal studies show that CBD can prevent colitis (IBD) and reinstate the normal gut motility in inflammatory bowel disease.

CBD is also said to have antibiotic properties and is also active against Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA).

  1. CBD Can fight And Prevent Cancer

The antitumor effect in hemp and cannabis is a groundbreaking discovery in the field of science. However, to what extent they are helpful that is still not discovered but it has been shown to inhibit the growth of cancer cells and kill tumor cells. Additionally, CBD also increases the efficacy of cancer treatment.

  1. CBD Cures Nausea

CBD is also said to treat Vomiting and Nausea, even if they are due to toxins or drugs.

  1. CBD Is Not A Psychoactive Compound

CBD (cannabidiol) is a compound that has several health-boosting properties and is found in cannabis and hemp. But often it is mistaken as a psychoactive compound because of its origin but the fact is that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) which is also present in cannabis is the reason behind the psychoactive effect. CBD is free from THC and hence it is not psychoactive and moreover, CBD comes from hemp mostly and not from Marijuana.