Tips to Keep Cat Litter Boxes Odour-Free

Ask any cat parent about how much they love their feline friend, and all will respond with a positive answer. Everybody simply loves and adores their furry pals, but when they leave a smelly present in their litter box, you might prefer running away from them. And this may cause a lot of effort and courage to clean out the litter box.

Now for cat parents, it doesn’t necessarily have to come down to this stage (smelly litter box). If you take proper care and follow the tips that we’re about to mention, then you’ll be in good stead and most importantly, avoid a super smelly cat litter box.

So without any delays, let’s look at some helpful tips that can assist you to keep the litter box from smelling (odour-free).

1. Regular Litter Box Cleaning

The most important step towards keeping your cat’s litter box odour-free is to clean the same every single day. Keeping the litter box unclean or not cleaning it on a regular basis is not only bad for you, but for your feline friend as well. The bad smell will tickle your cat’s nose, and he’ll try and avoid using the litter. He will rather walk to some other place to do his business, which of course you will certainly not like.

Hence, ensure you clean the litter box daily by scooping off the cat litter. Also, make it a habit to wash and clean the same with soap and water so that the bad odour can be washed away. Unlike scooping litter away, you do not necessarily have to wash the litter box every day, but do so at least once every fortnightly.

2. When Possible, Opt For an Enclosed Litter Box

To keep bad odour and smells away from your home, an enclosed litter box can be used. This helps in trapping the smell in the litter box itself and prevents it from spreading to all parts of your home. Moreover, enclosed litter boxes help in keeping the surroundings spick and span. While this quite a few advantages, there are disadvantages as well. Since enclosed litter boxes trap bad odour, your feline might not feel like using a smelly litter box. Furthermore, an enclosed litter box will get damp, and it will be difficult for the litter to dry up. Thus, opting for the right litter box (closed or open) is very important. The choice of picking any one rests solely on you, but you can take the advice of your veterinarian if you’re having a tough time picking one.

3. Choose the Correct Litter and Baking Soda

Like us, cats can be picky too. What’s good for one cat does not necessarily mean it is good for the other. Similarly, when it comes to cat litter, don’t opt for the one that is cheap, but instead take into consideration your home, your cat’s lifestyle, etc. This will aid you in picking the right cat litter.

Moreover, if you’re sceptical about your decision on what litter you opted for, then do not worry. There’s an easy solution to that; it’s baking soda. Yes, baking soda! A handful of powdered soda in your cat’s litter box prior to adding the cat litter can prevent bad smells because soda helps in absorbing bad odour. If you do not have baking soda, then activated charcoal can also be used as this also absorbs foul smells.

4. Litter Box in the Open

Who said cats need privacy to do their business? In fact, cats are the total opposite. They like using the litter box out in the open because they feel very comfortable doing so. Hence, ensure you place your cat litter box out in the open.

Another advantage of doing this is that open spaces will take care of the bad smells, but this does not mean you omit the above steps, especially the first one.


We hope these simple tips will help you overcome your problems with foul litter box smells. These tips will also assist you in a cleaner, fresher, and better litter box, and of course, your cat will love it!