How Intelligent are Cats? Here’s How to Tell

Cats have been beloved companions in human households for hundreds of years; they have quite the reputation for independent personality. However, anyone living with cats is also quite intelligent and anyone who lives with cats knows that they are quite smart not just cute. Let’s see in this blog, what are personalities of cat’s show they are smart animals.  

Smartest Cat Breeds 

Just like humans, all cat’s do not have same level of intelligence. Every cat has their own set of temperament and behaviour. Some cats are outgoing and playful, while some are lazy. Some cats are social and cuddly while others do not like being touched.  They have varied intelligence, which majorly varies based on breed. Certain breeds of cats are highly intelligent and understand humans better than others, like the ones mentioned below:

1 Siamese

Siamese is breed of cat that is well known for their smart vocalization, they respond to humans better than others. They are also very mischievous and inquisitive curious to explore all the corners of the house.

2 – Bengal Cat

Bengal cats that look like jaguars or leopards are athletic and quite wild too. They enjoy jumping, climbing and playing. They are enthusiastic to play and learn skills easily; they can pull out fish from the aquarium, open drawers and even turn on a switch.

3 – Burmese       

Burmese are affectionate and friendly cat breeds that love to play fetch and can be trained to walk on a leash. This breed of cat prefers socialization and the company of other pets and get sad or bore when left alone.

4 – Savannah

Savanah is an exotic and rare breed of cat. They are wild but highly intelligent and active. They need a daily dose of environmental stimulation and enough space to run and play.  

5 – Abyssininas 

Abyssininas are confident and affectionate cat breeds. They are also very agile and athletic. They love interacting with their human parents and are in tune with their activities. They love perching, climbing to heights and surveilling everything.

Smart Cats Behavior      

As per several scientific researches, cats have complex brains which makes them intelligent animals. Let’s see some of their behaviours that prove their intelligence.

1 – Problem-Solving Skills

Cats’ problem-solving ability is seen when they learn to open cabinets and drawers real quick. This ability lets them learn to use litter boxes and scratching posts with minimal training.

2 – Adaptability

Cats are highly adaptable animals. They can easily adjust to changes in their environment, such as moving to a new home or dealing with a new family member or pet.

3 – Curiosity

You just have to observe for a while to know that cats are highly curious creatures. They love to explore their surroundings and investigate new objects and environments. This trait helps them learn about their environment and find solutions to problems.

4 – Short Term Memory

Cats have a good short term memory that enables them to remember people, places and things. Because of this cats are persistent in getting things they want and are also likely to hold a grudge or become angry for things they don’t like.  

5 – Communication

Every cat has their unique way of meowing, purring and a different body language. They use these communication skills to express their needs, wants, and emotions. They also use their body language to communicate with other cats and humans.

6 – Playfulness       

Cats are playful; they love to engage in interactive play, such as chasing cat toys or playing hide-and-seek. Playfulness is not only fun for cats but also helps them develop their problem-solving and hunting skills.

Bottom Line

Cats are not only cute and cuddly, but also surprisingly smart. Whether they are Siamese or domestic shorthair, many cats are capable of learning new skills and figuring out how to get what they want. They are intelligent creatures with a lot to offer, and we are lucky to have them in our lives.