5 Most Common Myths about Feline Heartworm Disease

Heartworm disease in cats is a debilitating and life-threatening condition, but thanks to the advances in veterinary science in recent years, the disease can be easily diagnosed or prevented. Cat parents are now more cautious about heartworm prevention in cats.

However, myths about this disease are still prevalent among cat parents.  In this blog, we have debunked common myths about heartworms in cats that cat parents must read.

5 Myths about Heartworm Disease in Cats

#Myth1: Heartworm disease is not common in cats.

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Many pet parents believe that heartworm disease is only common in dogs. However, the occurrence of heartworm disease in cats is much more than that of many other fatal diseases in cats. Heartworms are transmitted via mosquitoes and mosquitoes easily infect cats, making them vulnerable to this disease as much as dogs are.

#Myth2: Heartworm disease only affects a cat’s heart.

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The term heartworm disease may connote that the disease only affects a cat’s heart, but it has a larger impact. Heartworms can affect a cat’s lungs and blood vessels and may cause inflammation and damage to many other vital organs. It may also cause collapse, difficulty breathing, cough, and sudden death.

#Myth3: Indoor cats are not at risk of getting infected.

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The biggest myth about heartworms in cats is that indoor cats cannot get heartworms. Just because they do not go out much, they are not safe from mosquitoes. You can never prevent mosquitoes completely and therefore, even your indoor cat is at risk of heartworm disease if they’re not on preventatives.

#Myth4: Heartworm disease can be prevented with flea and tick medicines.

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Treatments that are exclusively indicated for flea and tick prevention in cats can never prevent heartworms. However, all-in-one parasite prevention treatments for cats may cover heartworm larvae. Always check with your veterinarian before starting any treatment for your cat and to learn more about the product.

#Myth5: Heartworms can be seen in feces just like other worms.

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Unlike other common intestinal worms in cats, heartworms do not live in their gastrointestinal tract, and hence, are not shed in the feces. They live in a cat’s heart and do not exhibit any symptoms till the worm load increases and the problem worsens.

Bottom line

If you still have things unclear about this disease, consult your vet to learn more and save your beloved feline from these potentially deadly worms.