Surprise!!! Surprise!!! Now It is Possible To Foresee Dental Disease in Felines…..


Dental disease is one of the most common medical conditions found in our country. In fact, roughly around two-thirds of cats over three years of age have some sort of dental disease. Some of the most common dental problems in felines include: gingivitis, cervical neck lesions, and periodontal disease. Unlike human beings, whose most prevalent dental issue is cavities, cats frequently suffer from gum disease and plaque build-up on the teeth. If the plaque is not removed, it can lead to tartar or calculus formation of the teeth. If gingivitis, tartar and plaque are not removed it can cause serious periodontal disease. Hence, it is very important to look closely at the signs of feline dental disease and try to find out the probable signs of dental disease in cats:

Your Kitty Has Started To Become A Sloppy Eater

If you find that your cat dropping her kibbles all over the place or leaving pieces of half-chewed kitty niblets on the floor, it means that she is trying to convey the message that her teeth is hurting.

Bad Breath In Your Feline

Remember, that your kitty does not smell nasty and if someone does not agree to it, never believe in it. Once she had her food there are chances that her breath can be a bit smelly, but in case, if she licks you and her saliva smells gross; it means that she is suffering from a dental disease and requires immediate attention of your veterinarian.

Your Feline’s Fur Smells Gross

Note: A healthy cat always smells like a fresh-cut hay: grassy with an exceedingly light touch of sweetness.

If you find her fur to be gross, that means there is something wrong. It can either be a case where she is not grooming herself or even if she is grooming, her saliva is nasty. Either of these two things can lead to dental disease. If your kitty’s mouth is paining, she will not want to use it for anything; including grooming. Even if she is not in enough pain to avoid grooming completely, the smell in her mouth will get on her fur when she cleans herself.

Drooling Behaviour

If you see your kitty drooling, it means that she might be in pain or is suffering from dental disease. If she is drooling while purring, it means that she is extremely happy and there is nothing wrong with that. But if you find her drooling while sitting somewhere or drooling while looking sadly at the food in her dish, it means that she is suffering from dental disease.

Change Of Temper

If you have ever experienced toothache, you might be aware that the effect of the dental pain is not positive on your mood. This thing is also true with cats. If your kitty has a sore tooth and shows symptoms of gum disease, she will start avoiding affection. Some of her reactions include: nipping, swatting or pulling back; when you try to rub her around the cheeks.

A Broken Or Missing Fang

If your feline experiences broken teeth or the tooth falls off naturally, it can be due to serious dental disease. If the tooth breaks at the root, it can be due to resorptive lesions also known as kitty cavities, wherein the tooth gets so weakened that it breaks. Remember, a cat’s pulp cavity goes very close to the end of the canine tooth, and so even a small chip at the end of the fang can result in serious pain.

To avoid these dental diseases, it is very important to take necessary precautions. Remember, untreated dental disease can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream and result in problems of heart, liver, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. Hence, take her to regular dental checkups and cleanups as per the recommendation of the veterinarian.