Most Nutritious Human Foods You Should Feed Your Fido

Most of us have heard about human food or table scrap is not safe for Fido. Basically, sharing food directly from your plate probably isn’t good habit, because of two reasons – first, it encourages your pet to beg; and second, some human foods are actually even toxic to your pet.


But, not all foods are alike.

In facts, there are a lot of human foods that are packed with nutrients, antioxidants, fiber, minerals. These can add a flavorful and healthy element to dog’s meal. They protect people and their pets from disease, boost up their energy and maintain their overall wellness. So, it will be the great way to consider adding the nutritionally-packed components to compliment your dog’s eating regime.

And, to start implementing human foods in your dog’s diet, it is essential to be sure you have the perfect balance of everything your pet needs to thrive. This way you can blend the right human foods with your pet foods for better health.

Now let’s focus on main question – which human foods will be safe for your dog? Well, for your kind information, we have picked some nutritious canine-friendly human foods that you can feed your fido.



As one of the healthy food for humans, it’s also very beneficial to your dog. Rich in protein, packed with many essential amino acids and vitamins and nutrients. Cooked egg offers great health benefits to your dog. It can be best dietary supplements for dogs. Egg can:

  • Promote healthy digestion.
  • Help to build muscle.
  • Improve skin and coats.
  • Provide essential bone growth support.

Even, egg shells may be a good source of calcium and protein for dogs.



Pumpkin is high in soluble fiber and low in calories. In fact, it has essential vitamins, carotenoids and minerals that your dog needs. Pumpkin is great for Fido because:

  • It maintains a healthy digestive tract.
  • It supports the immune system.
  • It improves vision and skin.

Plain, canned pumpkin is available year-round in market and it can be a fantastic addition to your dog’s food. But before buy canned, make sure that is pure pumpkin puree, no added sugars and spices. 



It is one of the most nutrient-packed veggies with a great source of vitamins, fiber and folate. Along with all the great vitamins and nutrients, it is also low in calories that make it a super food for providing balanced nutrition for your dog. By feeding raw or cooked broccoli to your dog, you can help him:

  • Improve digestive system.
  • Fight against chronic diseases.
  • Slow down the aging process.
  • Fight inflammation, cancer and allergies.
  • Keep your dog’s teeth better.



This crunchy power food contains valuable amounts of carotenoids, heart-healthy dietary fiber, immune-supportive vitamin C, bone-building vitamin K; and potassium. It is perfectly safe and healthy for your dog. Its health benefits include:

  • Good for oral health.
  • Natural eyesight enhancer.
  • Regulate digestive system.
  • Improve coat color.



This supercharged leafy veggie is excellent sources of vitamins A, K, and C. It is good for human as well as for dog. Really, it can add value as an addition to dog diet. You can add it to your dog’s regular diet by mixing steamed kale with regular food or baking it into the dog chips.

But, whenever you cook kale, don’t add salt, garlic and onions in it. As salt cause dehydration whilst garlic and onions are toxic for dogs. Kale is perfect healthy food that helps your dog in multiple ways, such as:

  • Protect your dog against diabetes, cancer, and arthritis
  • Prolong eyesight
  • Support the cardiovascular system and heart
  • Maintain a good digestive system
  • Boost immune system

Besides these human foods, there are also so many other fresh and nutritious foods that dogs and humans can thrive on, including apples, salmon, green beans, yogurt, chia seeds, blueberries, sweet potato, quinoa, liver, oatmeal,  coconut oil, parsley, etc.

Well, no matter which human food you will try, but whenever you are going for introducing any new food to your dog, it is essential to start with a small portion and monitor any adverse allergic reaction. Once you know which nutrient dense food is good for your pet, add it in his regular diet to nourish your pet’s overall health and well-being.